GJ Consultation prides itself on devising high quality documents, assessments, structures and procedures and where required all are fully endorsed.

Do you employ domestic staff in your workplace? Do you purchase and store a large number of cleaning chemicals? We can support you to devise, assess and monitor all COSHH chemicals within your workplace.

Having an effective COSHH management structure that is user friendly, easy to monitor and change is essential within the workplace. Knowing the products you are using and devising a COSHH structure is deemed very good practice.

An effective COSHH structure will include COSHH folders, COSHH risk assessments, agreed product lists, COSHH information, Safety Data Sheets, COSHH induction training, COSHH information sheets and do's and don'ts flowcharts and evidence of effective staff training. 




Please contact us for a quote or 
further information